Experience the unforgettable Margaret Island concert, nestled within the vibrant Budapest Park



In 2024, Margaret Island joyfully commemorated its 10th anniversary, celebrating a decade of creativity and growth with its album "Minden levegővétellel újra megszületünk" (With Every Breath We Are Born Again) in a spectacular, world-renowned party at the Park stage.

Over the past decade, the group has shown that even the grandest stages can resonate with authentic music that brings joy. Their hits, like "Szeszélyes," "Boldogságtól," and "Nem Voltál Jó," showcase their unique appeal. Margaret Island's strength lies in their vibrant and captivating performances, where purity intertwines with deep meaning and genuine values. They embrace challenges, constantly pushing boundaries, whether it's a concert at Szigliget Castle, a collaboration with the Szeged Contemporary Ballet, or hosting their own festival on the shores of Lake Balaton. We eagerly anticipate the inspiring surprises they will bring to the Budapest Park stage on May 22!

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